Use modal to add dialogs to your site for lightboxes, user notifications, or completely custom content.
Modal component uses the Card component.
To create a modal, simply add `.modal` class at `dialog` element.
Uses the Card component to create the modal content.
Attention needed
To show or hide the modal, change the `open` attribute at `dialog` element.
You can do that with Perfect UI or any other way.
To open a modal with Perfect UI, use the `data-modal` attribute, providing a modal ID.
To close a modal with Perfect UI, use the `data-autoclose` attribute.
Static Backdrop
When backdrop is set to static, the modal will not close when clicking outside it.
To create a static backdrop modal, simply add the `.static-backdrop` in the `.modal` element.
Scrolling behavior
Modal dialogs differ in width, whereas height is determined by the content. Once it reaches a certain threshold, the body content will scroll while the header and footer remain fixed until the bottom of the modal dialog is reached.
Toggle between modals
Toggle between two separate modals.